Couples [Re]Connect 2024

Whether your relationship is strong, strained, or growing stale, this workshop will help.

Success in relationships is as much about having a "heart to" as it is knowing the "how to".  We're going to work on both.

Register below for this two part couples conference Saturday November 16th & 23rd from 9am - 3pm. Lunch will be catered by local favorites.
If your relationship or marriage  isn’t delivering, it may not be from a lack of “how to” but a lack of “heart to” get the help needed. This class will have lots of both. If you're open to a new perspective about why relationships struggle, and they all do, this class is for you.

Having been on the brink of divorce years ago, the moderators of this two part event know the value of the material used in this class.

Steven and Lorie will be your hosts and moderators for this encouraging time of [Re}Connection for couples who need a little help, hope, or have a desire to improve upon their relationship or marriage. This event is fun, enlightening, challenging and worth every minute of your time.

This workshop will help couples gain a new understanding about their relationship while offering short videos, a workbook to follow along, and then lively moderated discussion about the material presented.

A breakout session will give the ladies time alone with Lorie and the men time with Steve to review class highlights, ask questions, and dig a little deeper.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Something to write with is all you'll need to bring.

Multitudes of relationships have found hope and help through these powerful sessions together. Why not join us? Two Saturdays is a small investment for your long-term relational health and satisfaction.

The class schedule for both Saturdays is as follows:

8:45 Refreshments & Registration
9:00 - 10:20      Workshop One
10:30 - 11:50   Workshop Two
11:50 - 12:30   Lunch
12:30 - 1:50      Workshop Three
2:00 - 3:00         Breakout Session
Feel free to stay after and enjoy the refreshments, additional conversation, or extra time with Steve and Lorie.

  • This is a two part workshop: Saturday November 16th & 23rd 9am - 3pm

  • The $ 100.00 / couple fee includes everything you'll need for the workshop and includes lunch catered by local favorites.

  • No child-care will be provided.

  • Feel free to invite another couple. Space is limited and registration is required for all attendees.

  • Register Below. After filling out the form below be sure to click the white bar at the bottom to submit your registration.

  • Upon registration you'll be contacted for confirmation and payment.

Register Here (then click the white bar below)