A Better Look for You
Some News You Can Use from Shelby Center
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I’m on a personal journey to get a better look at who Jesus is. At times I’ve misunderstood, misrep-resented, and have been misguided about who He is, how He works, and how He sees others.
I need Jesus as He is, not how I want Him to be, believed Him to be, or how others who brought me to Jesus see Him. I’m taking a better look. I need to find out what I’m not quite seeing right.
On a news site I visit there’s a game called “spot the difference”. I think I’m pretty good but how would I know what I’m missing?! Sometimes I need a better look. You might too!
Today, we’ll encounter Jesus doing something odd. I’ve had to look at this again - and again - and again. What is He doing? Why? What have I missed? What are you missing? (From Mk. 8:22-26).
1. Sometimes The Healing We Need is A Very Private Matter (22-23)
2. We May Not Understand the Process, but Jesus Helps Us See Some Things Differently (24)
3. When Honest About How We See Things Now, Jesus Helps Us See Things as They Are (25)
4. When Healed and Seeing Things Better, You Might Have to Limit Who You Tell (26)
Seeing things as they are is hard work. But a better look for you can happen the moment you let Jesus take you by the hand, get alone, and open your eyes to see others and yourself as Jesus does.
But then you’ll need to get a better look. It’s in that place alone with Jesus you’ll start to see what you’ve been missing. This is why it’s worth coming to Jesus and being honest about what you see.
I’m going to ask you to stop now, pray, and ask Jesus for a healing touch - a second touch - a fresh and better look at Who He is and then listen carefully for what your response should be.
I’m on a personal journey to get a better look at who Jesus is. At times I’ve misunderstood, misrep-resented, and have been misguided about who He is, how He works, and how He sees others.
I need Jesus as He is, not how I want Him to be, believed Him to be, or how others who brought me to Jesus see Him. I’m taking a better look. I need to find out what I’m not quite seeing right.
- Growing up we were told “look twice” before crossing the road. It’s safer that way.
- When cutting materials, “measure twice and cut once”. Mistakes are expensive and avoidable.
- When we got bad news or had important decisions “get a second opinion”. Good counsel.
- Instant replays give a better look at an important call. A better look can change outcomes.
- We take a better look to see what’s in our blind spot or see a situation with a better perspective.
On a news site I visit there’s a game called “spot the difference”. I think I’m pretty good but how would I know what I’m missing?! Sometimes I need a better look. You might too!
Today, we’ll encounter Jesus doing something odd. I’ve had to look at this again - and again - and again. What is He doing? Why? What have I missed? What are you missing? (From Mk. 8:22-26).
1. Sometimes The Healing We Need is A Very Private Matter (22-23)
2. We May Not Understand the Process, but Jesus Helps Us See Some Things Differently (24)
- At times we see through pain, abuse, present circumstances, limits, or past experiences.
- At times we see through the lens of religious, denominational, peer, or doctrinal filters.
- At times we see through offenses we’ve committed - guilt, shame, regret, bitterness, loss.
- But God calls us to get alone with Jesus and get a second look: To get a better look for you.
3. When Honest About How We See Things Now, Jesus Helps Us See Things as They Are (25)
- Take another look at your relationship with Jesus: Your spiritual health, life, and walk. You might have to dispel some half-truths and rumors you’ve believed about Jesus (Mk. 8:27-30)
- Look again. You might have missed what He did for you at Calvary. Until He touches you with His crucified and risen life, you’ll not see things as they really are (Mk. 8:31-33).
(Mk. 15:16-24). It is here Jesus then says concerning His abusers/us, “Father forgive them...”
- Look again at your priorities with a fresh vision of Jesus. The cross is no shallow call. Upon second look you might see clearly what it means to be “Christian” (Mk. 8:34-38).
- Someone said with clarity, “It costs nothing to become a Christian, but everything to be one.”
4. When Healed and Seeing Things Better, You Might Have to Limit Who You Tell (26)
- Sometimes healing must be a private matter. Understand that others may not understand.
- Some are blind, stuck. They’ll hinder you when your eyes are opened (John 9:35-38, 39-41).
Seeing things as they are is hard work. But a better look for you can happen the moment you let Jesus take you by the hand, get alone, and open your eyes to see others and yourself as Jesus does.
But then you’ll need to get a better look. It’s in that place alone with Jesus you’ll start to see what you’ve been missing. This is why it’s worth coming to Jesus and being honest about what you see.
I’m going to ask you to stop now, pray, and ask Jesus for a healing touch - a second touch - a fresh and better look at Who He is and then listen carefully for what your response should be.
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Posted in Mark 8:22-38, Healing, change, spiritual growth, Religion, spiritual blindness, Offenses, wounds, John 9:35-41, crucified life
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