Posts with the tag “compassion”

One Anothering Well - Compassionate Community
by Steven Pawley on June 6th, 2022
The essence of the Christian life is fellowship because of the essence of the gospel: Forgiven, forever changed, and placed into the family of God! But what is the essence of fellowship? The essence of Christian fellowship is powerful love revealed in compassionate community. A compelling community of believers (the local church) is the place where love is displayed not just discussed because those who assemble are Christian by virtue of regeneration, not mere religion. The new birth (not just beliefs) gives evidence of God’s life in us because of our committed love one to another. Believers one-another well because they are committed to living in unity, fervent charity, and growing in maturity - genuine fellowship built around healthy relationships. Biblical Christianity then is made manifest by demonstration (not mere declaration) of what love is and does. (From 1 John 3:10-19):  Read More
One Anothering Well - Welcome Home
by Steven Pawley on May 2nd, 2022
Have you ever visited someone for the first time and realized all at once that it felt like home? Maybe you knew instinctively that “this is what a home should be and feel like.” There is a warm, inviting atmosphere that says it’s okay to let your guard down and be yourself: Make yourself at home. Speaking to displaced believers in need of refuge from spiritual warfare and cultural hostility toward Christ-followers, God’s word gives an encouraging command that resonates with any weary traveler, wanderer, or worshipper of Jesus who feels a bit out of place: A hospitality command. (From 1 Pet. 4:7-10)  Read More