Posts with the tag “loss”
Are You Living on Borrowed Power?
by Steven Pawley on January 15th, 2023
Through a great deal of pain, frustration, effort, and even prayer I’ve learned to admit and accept that there are some things you can do nothing about.
Birth! Upbringing! Weather! The Past!
Some are hindered from making progress in life because of what’s “back there”. I know.
Instead of being restrained by a past you cannot change, there’s a question that can change everything going forward.
When you’re honest with God you’ll be amazed at the hurts that heal, the losses recovered, and the redeemed life that the gospel received produces.
And, you’ll live no longer on borrowed power (From 2 Kgs 6:1-7): Read More
When it Cannot Get Any Worse
by Steven Pawley on December 18th, 2022
Why does God allow such pain and problems in our lives? Why does He give us those mountain top experiences only to take us to the valley of the shadow of death?
To truly understand the hardships and losses of life, we must understand the gives and takes of God. He asks a question in the hard things; Will you worship me here?
Remember, when it cannot get any worse, don't curse. Worship (instead).
I’m going to remind you how God also allows you to suffer, often by a ruthless and relentless foe called the Devil. God allows the attacks of Satan to prove and prepare you for His purposes. So, arm yourself.
Satan attacks five things to force you to curse (no longer worship) God. The order is instructive and in each we can hear God ask, will you worship me here? It’s part of why He gives and takes (From Job 1-2):
How do we fight the foe and faithfully reveal Jesus and His gospel in the give and takes of God? (5 Thoughts)...
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If You're Fighting With God, Do This Now
March 30th, 2025
Friday's Two-Minute Takeaway - Confrontation
March 28th, 2025
Wednesday's Two-Minute Takeaway - Confrontation
March 26th, 2025
Monday's Two-Minute Takeway - Confrontation
March 24th, 2025
The One Confrontation Question You Must Ask
March 23rd, 2025
You're Not Getting Away with ItHere Is Proof of God's Existence No One LooksWhen You've Been Used, Turn Here for Your Next MoveMonday's Two-Minute Takeaway - When It's Time to Move OnWednesday's Two-Minute Takeaway - How Do I Know It's Time to Move On?The One Confrontation Question You Must AskMonday's Two-Minute Takeway - ConfrontationWednesday's Two-Minute Takeaway - ConfrontationFriday's Two-Minute Takeaway - ConfrontationIf You're Fighting With God, Do This Now
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