Posts with the tag “isaiah-43-1-5”
Three Steps Toward Healing 1
by Steven Pawley on June 25th, 2023
We all have painful events in our lives. We get emotional wounds from things others have done to us, we’ve done to others, sin, things we’ve gone through, losses, tragedies - all of them significant.
Left uncared for these wounds become infected - toxins inside of us that negatively influence our quality of life and relational health. But sooner or later these buried wounds bubble out.
You and I bury pain, barricade or block events that have wounded us, and allow offenses and losses we’ve experienced or caused others to hinder us, hurt others, and distort our perception of God... Read More
Satan Desires to Get You Alone
by Steven Pawley on March 19th, 2023
Difficult circumstances should drive us to God.
But when they’re driving you away you need a strategy because Satan seeks to get you alone. That’s never a good thing.
Satan is an opportunist who shows up when we’re weak.
It is in these moments it is easy to give in to wrong and destructive choices. I know, you know, and Satan knows.
Yet Jesus also knows about temptation and how to not succumb (1 Cor. 10:12-13).
I’m going to show you three places I am regularly and relentlessly tempted when I’m right where Satan wants me - weary, isolated, and feeling alone.
You will be too (From Luke 4:1-13).
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God is No Loser
by Steven Pawley on July 4th, 2022
What would you say to God if you had to flee in fear from someone very close to your heart?
If one in your own family built a coalition and convinced many to turn against and trouble you what kinds of emotions and thoughts would flood into your heart and mind and affect your mood?
Songs are often born of circumstance and David is having a time. What is one against so many is his cry! (From Psalm 3)
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