Posts with the tag “1-john-1-6-2-2”
I'm Ashamed. Now What? Three Questions.
by Steven Pawley on January 29th, 2023
Have you ever been perplexed by a decision you or someone you know has made? What was I thinking! What were they thinking!? We all have!
Good or bad decisions have consequences. We control the choices but not the consequence.
In fact, when we find ourselves facing problems because of poor choices, we may not be able to change the past, or present circumstances, but we can change our attitude and approach to the problem in a way that positively affects the future.
The harmful ways people choose to handle problems, the ruin wrought in relationships, the things they turn to, run from, or attempt to hide in the midst of fears, failures, and faults is legend – and it goes all the way back to the beginning: (From Gen 2:15-17, Gen. 3:1-8).
One little bite changed everything! Humanity happens to us all. Blame Adam!
But how we respond to the messes we make is consequential. Friend don’t run and hide. God will meet you in the crises, calamities and conundrums of our own making.
Let's look at three questions God asks when were in a conundrum and hiding from Him:
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One Anothering Well - The Essence of Life
by Steven Pawley on May 30th, 2022
If I were to ask you what is the essence of the Christian life, what would be your answer? What is the essence of our life together as followers of Christ?
When the “disciple whom Jesus loved” took up pen and parchment to write about what it means to be “Christian” he did not write about what the gospel says, he wrote about what it does.
If the gospel does anything, it profoundly changes one’s life and approach to relational health, because it turns on the light, reveals the problem, and rescues us from what hinders our life and relationships: Sin!
So, what is the essence of the Christian life? John argues for fellowship (From 1 John 1:3-7) Read More
If You're Fighting With God, Do This Now
March 30th, 2025
Friday's Two-Minute Takeaway - Confrontation
March 28th, 2025
Wednesday's Two-Minute Takeaway - Confrontation
March 26th, 2025
Monday's Two-Minute Takeway - Confrontation
March 24th, 2025
The One Confrontation Question You Must Ask
March 23rd, 2025
You're Not Getting Away with ItHere Is Proof of God's Existence No One LooksWhen You've Been Used, Turn Here for Your Next MoveMonday's Two-Minute Takeaway - When It's Time to Move OnWednesday's Two-Minute Takeaway - How Do I Know It's Time to Move On?The One Confrontation Question You Must AskMonday's Two-Minute Takeway - ConfrontationWednesday's Two-Minute Takeaway - ConfrontationFriday's Two-Minute Takeaway - ConfrontationIf You're Fighting With God, Do This Now
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