Posts with the tag “problems”
Looking for Help In All The Wrong Places?
by Steven Pawley on March 26th, 2023
The stories of “people looking for help in all the wrong places” are numerous and well known. But sometimes people just stop looking for help.
They surrender to their pain, problems, and predicaments and stop seeking help from God. My friend, don’t let that be your story.
When you can’t do much to get to Jesus do what you can to get to Jesus – no excuses. He’ll even help you walk on water if you desire to get to Him for help (Mt. 14:29-31)!
God’s word tells us of a person who for eighteen years dealt with a problem that limited their quality of life. Maybe that’s you? Unresolved pain or predicaments that are impacting your life.
But Jesus uses the difficult circumstances this person endured to challenge us with a question:
What’s keeping you from the help you need? Here’s four places to look (from Luke 13:10-17): Read More
Baggage You Weren't Meant to Carry
by Steven Pawley on March 12th, 2023
A famous verse of the Bible comes with some baggage that needs to be unpacked. Life gets that way too. We want the good stuff but have some baggage that life piles on and must be unloaded.
Our baggage can bring us to the breaking point and life won’t lift a finger to help. Be careful how you unload when the struggles and stresses of life pile on. (From Mt. 11)
When what you’re carrying is too heavy or unhealthy unload on Jesus – He can handle it. Read More
Handling The Issue that Plagues You
by Steven Pawley on January 22nd, 2023
In our Wed. night dinner and bible study at church we’re talking about encounters Jesus has with individuals. (Btw you’re welcome to join us, we’re going to have a really good time together).
Recently, how Jesus met a very broken woman at a well and didn’t deal with her sin issue, He met her in her quests for fulfillment and the emptiness they produced. That was her issue.
Maybe that’s you. Everywhere you’re striving for meaning, for purpose, for significance, for fulfillment never quenches the thirst. Frustrating right? Jesus meets you there to talk.
Maybe you’ve been asked in a moment of heated discussion, What’s your issue? Maybe you’ve asked it yourself! The issue that plagues you might not be obvious. Friend, what’s troubling you?
What is causing that inner turmoil and relentless pursuit for fulfillment, for wholeness, that no matter what you attempt, what you achieve, what you gain or lose just makes the issue worse?
Well, you’re not alone. Jesus meets a woman in a crowd and deals with the issue that plagues her. He’ll do the same for you when you believe He (God) is the solution (From Mark 5:24-34):
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