You're Not Getting Away with It
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I remember how expensive college was. Whatever lessons I learned came at a very high cost. Life is like that. We can learn at the school of faith.
But if we choose the school of hard knocks, we’ll be paying the tuition for the rest of our lives. Your present choices guarantee future consequences.
Today, Jacob’s choices are going to remind us that if you don’t let this key promise from God subdue you, it will destroy you. Learn from Jacob’s mistakes or you’ll live to regret it (Gen 29).
v. 1-10. We’ll be more fit for the journey after we’ve met with God (ch. 28). Don’t wait “till they roll the stone” at the Sunday gathering. Take the initiative and get your own drink of living water!
v. 11-21. When we focus on what we love we’ll get things done, no matter how long it takes (Esau, well, woman). But that can be a big problem! Where we go, our flesh goes too (Rom. 7:18, 21).
When we make our will not God’s word our guide, we may spend half our life to get it – and the rest regretting it. Hard work at right things pays off (character, faithfulness, patience, effort, etc.).
But when we work hard without God, we’re choosing the school of hard knocks where you’ll pay the tuition for the rest of your life. Learn Jacob’s lesson; don’t repeat it (Rom 15:4, Gal. 6:7-9).
v. 22-30. Divine discipline will come in due time: Be not deceived! Whatever your scheme, you’re not getting away with it – the sorrow will follow: God promises. The conman will be conned.
When we mislead, we’ll meet our match! Jacob was told the elder (Esau) would serve the younger (himself), now he must serve Laban a long time! The right of the firstborn is to be honored, Jacob deceived to get it and is now deceived! Jacob dressed to deceive Isaac, now Leah dresses to deceive Jacob! Laban will later be deceived by Jacob and his own daughters! What a mess our flesh makes.
Does God endorse this low view of women, of using people, and fraud? No. He’s honest about the culture and can use the worst of humanity for good and does. (Text is descriptive not prescriptive).
Now of this we can be sure: what we selfishly sow, we’ll eventually reap. God will not be mocked. God’s grace can forgive selfish sowing, but His government will let us reap the sorrow of sin (31ff).
“The mill of God’s justice grinds slowly but it grinds exceedingly small”. We’ll not outsmart God. If we sow it, we will be sure to reap it - in perfect measure. Isaac trembled – now it’s Jacob’s turn.
While there is little to like about Laban, God had a plan for his daughters and for Jacob. But what a tough lesson these connivers needed to learn – and they pay dearly for their deception.
Education is expensive. But if we choose the school of hard knocks, we’ll pay the tuition for the rest of our lives. Your present choices guarantee future consequences. You have God’s promise.
Let’s Take the Message Home:
1. What selfish or questionable choices are you making now that guarantee future negative consequences? Think of things you love or are determined to get. What should you do instead?
2. Consider areas where you experience pain, frustration, or repetitive consequences. How might this be divine discipline? How might God be using this to subdue you, so it won’t destroy you?
3. Your future is a consequence of today’s decisions. Think about this question: What is my future if I keep sowing what I’m doing knowing that God will repay me faithfully and justly.
I remember how expensive college was. Whatever lessons I learned came at a very high cost. Life is like that. We can learn at the school of faith.
But if we choose the school of hard knocks, we’ll be paying the tuition for the rest of our lives. Your present choices guarantee future consequences.
Today, Jacob’s choices are going to remind us that if you don’t let this key promise from God subdue you, it will destroy you. Learn from Jacob’s mistakes or you’ll live to regret it (Gen 29).
v. 1-10. We’ll be more fit for the journey after we’ve met with God (ch. 28). Don’t wait “till they roll the stone” at the Sunday gathering. Take the initiative and get your own drink of living water!
v. 11-21. When we focus on what we love we’ll get things done, no matter how long it takes (Esau, well, woman). But that can be a big problem! Where we go, our flesh goes too (Rom. 7:18, 21).
When we make our will not God’s word our guide, we may spend half our life to get it – and the rest regretting it. Hard work at right things pays off (character, faithfulness, patience, effort, etc.).
But when we work hard without God, we’re choosing the school of hard knocks where you’ll pay the tuition for the rest of your life. Learn Jacob’s lesson; don’t repeat it (Rom 15:4, Gal. 6:7-9).
v. 22-30. Divine discipline will come in due time: Be not deceived! Whatever your scheme, you’re not getting away with it – the sorrow will follow: God promises. The conman will be conned.
When we mislead, we’ll meet our match! Jacob was told the elder (Esau) would serve the younger (himself), now he must serve Laban a long time! The right of the firstborn is to be honored, Jacob deceived to get it and is now deceived! Jacob dressed to deceive Isaac, now Leah dresses to deceive Jacob! Laban will later be deceived by Jacob and his own daughters! What a mess our flesh makes.
Does God endorse this low view of women, of using people, and fraud? No. He’s honest about the culture and can use the worst of humanity for good and does. (Text is descriptive not prescriptive).
Now of this we can be sure: what we selfishly sow, we’ll eventually reap. God will not be mocked. God’s grace can forgive selfish sowing, but His government will let us reap the sorrow of sin (31ff).
“The mill of God’s justice grinds slowly but it grinds exceedingly small”. We’ll not outsmart God. If we sow it, we will be sure to reap it - in perfect measure. Isaac trembled – now it’s Jacob’s turn.
While there is little to like about Laban, God had a plan for his daughters and for Jacob. But what a tough lesson these connivers needed to learn – and they pay dearly for their deception.
Education is expensive. But if we choose the school of hard knocks, we’ll pay the tuition for the rest of our lives. Your present choices guarantee future consequences. You have God’s promise.
Let’s Take the Message Home:
1. What selfish or questionable choices are you making now that guarantee future negative consequences? Think of things you love or are determined to get. What should you do instead?
2. Consider areas where you experience pain, frustration, or repetitive consequences. How might this be divine discipline? How might God be using this to subdue you, so it won’t destroy you?
3. Your future is a consequence of today’s decisions. Think about this question: What is my future if I keep sowing what I’m doing knowing that God will repay me faithfully and justly.
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