Posts with the tag “fellowship”
It's Your Call, Take It
by Steven Pawley on August 16th, 2022
If you’ve ever been around someone who sensed a “call” upon their life and took it, you know how influential their testimony is. They were living a certain way, struggling with some challenge, viewing life through a distorted lens… Then came the call, they answered it, and everything changed!
The Christian’s calling changes everything too! We’re called to radical transformation via urgent evangelization while in a continuous state of spiritual development, all by the power of the same indwelling Spirit of Jesus Christ and His word. It started when we answered the gospel call (From 1 Corinthians 1:1-9) Read More
One Anothering Well - Compassionate Community
by Steven Pawley on June 6th, 2022
The essence of the Christian life is fellowship because of the essence of the gospel: Forgiven, forever changed, and placed into the family of God!
But what is the essence of fellowship? The essence of Christian fellowship is powerful love revealed in compassionate community.
A compelling community of believers (the local church) is the place where love is displayed not just discussed because those who assemble are Christian by virtue of regeneration, not mere religion.
The new birth (not just beliefs) gives evidence of God’s life in us because of our committed love one to another.
Believers one-another well because they are committed to living in unity, fervent charity, and growing in maturity - genuine fellowship built around healthy relationships. Biblical Christianity then is made manifest by demonstration (not mere declaration) of what love is and does. (From 1 John 3:10-19): Read More
One Anothering Well - The Essence of Life
by Steven Pawley on May 30th, 2022
If I were to ask you what is the essence of the Christian life, what would be your answer? What is the essence of our life together as followers of Christ?
When the “disciple whom Jesus loved” took up pen and parchment to write about what it means to be “Christian” he did not write about what the gospel says, he wrote about what it does.
If the gospel does anything, it profoundly changes one’s life and approach to relational health, because it turns on the light, reveals the problem, and rescues us from what hinders our life and relationships: Sin!
So, what is the essence of the Christian life? John argues for fellowship (From 1 John 1:3-7) Read More
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