Posts with the tag “repentance”
What You Presently Reject You May Later Regret
by Steven Pawley on January 12th, 2025
Someone I know did not see value in a gift they received and carelessly neglected it.
Later, no number of tears could get it back. What was presently rejected was later regretted.
For some, they once professed to believe Christianity, yet because of the attitudes and actions of others, or seeing little practical value in it, they walk away never to recover (Gen 25:27-34).
When you “just don’t care” remember, what you presently reject you may later regret.
What we see little value in right now, may not be available later - no matter how sorry we are...
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Something You Need to Remember
by Steven Pawley on April 9th, 2023
There is a point God ordains in our lives where the pain of past decisions and experiences meets our present predicament - where consequences and regrets force an encounter with Jesus.
It has been said, show me your friends and I’ll show you your future. Be careful who you hang around. Whether your life is preferable or regrettable things can change in an instant.
Two people are forced to hang around Jesus - crucified next to Him for their own poor choices with no escape. What they do next determines their future. You are one of these two people. (From Luke 23:33-43): Read More
God Hears Your Cry from "Hell"
by Steven Pawley on July 18th, 2022
In my years pastoring I’ve seen many running from God. They might be angry about some hurt or hardship in their life. Or they’ve experienced injustice and blame God. Others get entangled in sin and are ashamed. For some, they know what God wants, refuse to do it, and so they run.
The prophet Jonah feels God is asking too much and runs. In the process he gets himself and others in deep peril. He’d rather die than do what God wants. Ever been there? (From Jonah 1:12-3:3): Read More
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