Posts with the tag “community”
A Church You'd Never Leave
by Steven Pawley on December 11th, 2022
What is one thing you can expect from someone who professes to believe God and the gospel? Change.
The gospel is both life-giving and life-changing and our mission is making it visible and accessible.
Here’s our challenge. Can we build a church that creates a community that is biblically literate and genuinely Christian – one you’d never want to leave?
With discipleship and some discipline, we can and should.
As we embark on our mission to engage others with the gospel and teach them how to live as followers of Jesus Christ, we’ll regularly be introduced to four kinds of attenders... (From 1 Cor. 5:9-13) Read More
One Anothering Well - Compassionate Community
by Steven Pawley on June 6th, 2022
The essence of the Christian life is fellowship because of the essence of the gospel: Forgiven, forever changed, and placed into the family of God!
But what is the essence of fellowship? The essence of Christian fellowship is powerful love revealed in compassionate community.
A compelling community of believers (the local church) is the place where love is displayed not just discussed because those who assemble are Christian by virtue of regeneration, not mere religion.
The new birth (not just beliefs) gives evidence of God’s life in us because of our committed love one to another.
Believers one-another well because they are committed to living in unity, fervent charity, and growing in maturity - genuine fellowship built around healthy relationships. Biblical Christianity then is made manifest by demonstration (not mere declaration) of what love is and does. (From 1 John 3:10-19): Read More
One Anothering Well - The Essence of Life
by Steven Pawley on May 30th, 2022
If I were to ask you what is the essence of the Christian life, what would be your answer? What is the essence of our life together as followers of Christ?
When the “disciple whom Jesus loved” took up pen and parchment to write about what it means to be “Christian” he did not write about what the gospel says, he wrote about what it does.
If the gospel does anything, it profoundly changes one’s life and approach to relational health, because it turns on the light, reveals the problem, and rescues us from what hinders our life and relationships: Sin!
So, what is the essence of the Christian life? John argues for fellowship (From 1 John 1:3-7) Read More
One Anothering Well - Put Some Clothes On
by Steven Pawley on May 23rd, 2022
Have you ever found yourself pointing out the errors, defects, failings, or sins of another at church, even making demands upon them and yet failing to see or be honest about your own? Beam in eye meet mirror!
What do you do when you look into the mirror and see the nakedness of your pride and harm you’ve done to others?
Well, besides having a mess to clean up, first put some clothes on! Start with humility. (From 1 Peter 5:1-12) Read More
One Anothering Well - You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have
by Steven Pawley on May 9th, 2022
When you think of good hospitality do you not also think of the service received? Good food or a good night’s rest is not enough if “the service was terrible”, right?!
As Christians we welcome others into the family of God with an inviting display of hospitality and compassionate care. To understand our role as Christians we must understand our responsibilities as servants, not masters. Believers are gracious givers of God’s care to others in need.
Do you fret or feel inadequate about what to give or do when opportunities to meet the needs of others arise? Take comfort. You already have what God expects you to give (From 1 Pet. 4:7-11) Read More
One Anothering Well - Welcome Home
by Steven Pawley on May 2nd, 2022
Have you ever visited someone for the first time and realized all at once that it felt like home? Maybe you knew instinctively that “this is what a home should be and feel like.” There is a warm, inviting atmosphere that says it’s okay to let your guard down and be yourself: Make yourself at home.
Speaking to displaced believers in need of refuge from spiritual warfare and cultural hostility toward Christ-followers, God’s word gives an encouraging command that resonates with any weary traveler, wanderer, or worshipper of Jesus who feels a bit out of place: A hospitality command. (From 1 Pet. 4:7-10) Read More
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